Currently Browsing: Out of the Box

Spiritual Sense

Whosoever crosses your path for whatever reason only acts as an instrument for implementing the larger karmic plan for your life. Therefore, it makes no spiritual sense to harbor ill feelings for someone, even if one has wronged you.

Celebrate Life

What is new in ‘New Year’? A New Tag? Celebrate every new dawn. Celebrate each new moment. Celebrate life. Celebrate relationships. Celebrate friendship. Celebrate love. Celebrate the beauty of nature. Celebrate the multiplicity of culture. Celebrate the spirit of humanity. Celebrate a virtuous idea...

Celebrate Life Here & Now

Many people just wait for a special occasion to wear a new dress or use a new item. It is like postponing joyfulness, as if one tells the mind to wait because the time to rejoice has not yet arrived. Don’t put off happiness. Enjoy every moment. Celebrate life here and now.

Show Me The Light

I am a tiny bit of Your Eternal Form, But I have smudged myself with sinful deeds. My soul is bathed in the glow of Your glory, But I have dulled it with shadows of impiety. My mind is powered with the flow of Your wisdom, But I have sullied it with the sludge of rotten thoughts. My body has the strength...

The Greatest Wonder

The greatest wonder on earth is that even though most of the people have the ability to distinguish between the right and the wrong, good and bad, true and false, virtue and sin, suitable and inappropriate, yet they do not take more than a blinking moment to be on the dark side of their action, deed,...

Have a Nice Phrase? Send Your Original.

A phrase is an artful management of words. These wordy quotes exhibit distinct ingenuity & display the mastery of the creator over use of common words. An intelligent structure, made from right selection of words, springs up as a beautiful art. Many such phrases find their way in my article “Art...

Live in Harmony & Keep Growing

The weaker part of person’s personality manifests in his/her resistance to accept the sincere & genuine opinions & advice from his/her close associates. Adamantly sticking to one’s own assertion, with utter disregard to others’ views, without delving into merits & demerits of those...

Nothing Happens without a Reason

In His scheme of things nothing happens without a reason. Even adversities in life bring enlightening lessons, but blinded by our blinkers of greed, lust, anger, jealousy & ballooning egos, we tend to ignore the knowledge & wisdom that comes our way. Humbleness, introspection, acceptance &...

The Scarring Anger

Nothing consumes a human being faster than anger. Anger is like a hot burning oven. Touching or catching hold of it serves no purpose except cause burns & scars. When spoken, the anger-laced words create deep bruises not only on the psyche of the intended listener but also on the emotional balance...

Shifting Loyalties

When I die, I would go down into history as the one who had more enemies than friends. But most of the foes would be those who were once upon a time my very good friends.

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